Tsoede Tv Celebrates Etsu Patigi On Five Years Anniversary

Tsoede Tv Celebrates Etsu Patigi On Five Years Anniversary

Tsoede TV commended Etsu Patigi, His Royal Highness, Alhaji Ibrahim Umar Bologi II, as he marks his 5th year anniversary on the throne of his forefathers.  His Royal Highness, Etsu Patigi has within the five years of his rule impacted so much on the people of Patigi Emirate and the entire state by bringing uncommon zest,  innovations, and class to his traditional leadership.  Tsoede TV praises Etsu Patigi for being a father to all as well as his uncommon display of philanthropy, forthrightness and wisdom while handling his royal responsibilities.   Etsu Patigi has played a significant role under his leadership in the promotion of harmony and peaceful coexistence among the diverse people of the entire Patigi Emirate and the state in general while remaining the rallying point and inspiration for his subjects.  It is our prayer that Allah subhanahu watahala continue to grant you the wisdom to pilot the affairs of Patigi Emirate. Congratulations Etsu Tsoede Nupe, Ba'agadozhi ✊. 

Engr. Usman Dama Abdulrahaman

Tsoede Tv