I want my music to pierce listeners’ soul, says Remy Crown

I want my music to pierce listeners’ soul, says Remy Crown

Fast-rising singer, Adeyale Aderemi Henry aka Remy Crown is working hard to always leave a mark on every individual that listens to his songs.

Following the release of his new single, ‘Remynize,’ Crown says he’s not going to relent on releasing songs that are unique to him.

Speaking to The Nation, Crown said: “Basically, my songs speak about positive vibes, more of motivating my audience. I’m trying as much as possible to do the best I can and not try to be like someone else in everything I do, I want my music to pierce the soul of my listeners and my team is currently working diligently to make the brand well known.”

Crown’s style is predominantly African mixed with a gentle man’s smile.

When asked how his news songs will impact, he said, “Definitely, I’m going to make an impact, trying to make all women around the globe feel special and not weird. Be yourself, you are perfect just the way you are, don’t compare your life, your destiny, your vision to others.”


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